Saturday, June 14, 2014

Give Blood, Save a Life

Thanks to twitter and Amanda, I now have a wonderful new website for useless information. Days Of the Year... a website dedicated to celebrate the completely random days of the year (for example National Donut Day)

There are several listed for today, but my favorite for today is World Blood Donor Day!

Donating blood means a lot to me. I lost one of my really good friends in 2011 to Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Ever since then I've participated annually in the Light the Night Walk to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. That, and I give blood as often as possible. 

The walk is really beautiful. It takes place at night, and each participant gets a balloon that lights up. Depending on what you're walking for depends on what color balloon you get. 
Red: You're supporting the cause
White: Carried by survivors
Gold: Carried by loved ones that lost someone to cancer. 

I definitely encourage everyone to at least give blood. It doesn't take long, and it definitely saves a life.
So there you have it... my good deed plug for the week. :) 

Last time Josh and I gave blood