Friday, June 27, 2014

Adventures in Moving

Doesn't always seem like when you get bad news about anything it usually falls in sets of three?

Bad news #1: My car died. It's gone. The cost to fix it is about as much as a new car, so we're just looking for a new car now.

Bad news #2: I lost my job. Yes, I'm still whinging about it. (Last time I promise!)

Bad news #3: We're being forced into a move. The neighborhood (read: Trailer park) we live in is being closed down. Long story short: everyone is being forced to move. It was a bit of a shock because they didn't give us very long at all.

This Meme sums up how I feel right now. My house is a wreck.  I have a lot to pack, and very little time to do so. 

The good news? We found a new place! We signed the new lease and we have keys! The only problem with the new place is it needs some painting. 
I love most of the house; it's just the kitchen, living room, and mailbox that needs work. (Adventures in Decorating to be continued on another post) . 

Here's the The front walk... I added the solar lights :) 
Behind where I was standing, there is a little garden area at the corner of the street. Complete with cute little bird house. 

The mailbox will be an easy fix. It just needs a new flag. The current flag is Georgia Tech. We are not a GT family. This will be replaced with a UGA flag if anything. 

Here's the outside of the house. It's so freaking adorable! Please excuse my husband sticking out his gut.

Here's the kitchen. I'm sure you see what I mean in that it needs work. The green will not be staying! 

So now that I've spent too much time procrastinating. (Amanda has an amazing post about such a thing here.) I need to get back to packing. Anyone willing to come to Georgia to help will be provided beer and pizza.