Let's get into it! I think Josh secretly enjoys being featured on the blog more than he lets on. He's funny that way.
combined with
Me: OK, Babe you ready to answer some more interview questions again?
[rolls his eyes] I guess. I have a question though...
Me: What's that?
What's for Dinner?
Me: Um. I dunno. probably tacos
OK. Cool. Continue.
Me: Thanks for your permission.
Is Halloween your favorite holiday?
What is?
[thinking hard] Uh, I guess Christmas. No particular reason. Just cause.
[me laughing] ok.
What do you plan on dressing up as for Halloween this year?
[giving me an evil look over his glasses] seriously?
Me: Babe, my readers don't know everything about you!
[sighs] fine. I don't dress up for Halloween. I'll wear my work clothes like I do every year.
What is your go-to drink (alcoholic or non)?
Non alcholoic would definitely be coke. Um, alcoholic would probably be Yuengling. Although we haven't had any beer in the house in awhile. Babe, you wanna get some beer later?
Me: Haha, ok. we have to go to the grocery store anyway.
What's your favorite scary movie?
OH! That's easy! All of the Halloween movies. But Freddy is pretty great too. Maybe I don't have a favorite
Me: Is this harder than you thought?
Yeah. I just like movies.
What is your best Halloween memory?
I don't remember much about Halloweens as a kid, so I guess my favorite would be seeing Zander and Ainsley trick or treating last year.
Me: And Ainsley will understand the candy this year
I'll let you handle her asking for candy every five minutes after we get home.
Me: Great, thanks.
There y'all have it. My husband. I swear as much as he sounds like he hates answering these I really think he loves it. Thanks again Becca and Amanda for these great link ups!