Monday, October 20, 2014

Grateful Llama / Grateful Giveaways

Happy Monday, y'all! I had a really amazing weekend. It's hard to believe it went by so fast!
//Small Recap 
Saturday I went to the park with one of my best friends. I've known her since middle school. The kids had a blast! The best part was, the park we met at had a pond with a trail around it; So once the kids got too worn out from climbing, we walked around the trail and threw leaves into the water.

Sunday my dad and step mom came over. My dad has been to our new house plenty of times since we moved in July, but my step mom had never been here.

In the spirit of Grateful Heart Mondays with Emily from Ember Grey, I'm grateful for weekends like these. We didn't do a lot, but it still so fun.
Ember Grey
I'm also grateful for blog giveaways! There's a great one for y'all going on now!
I have teamed up with 5 other amazing bloggers to bring you this giveaway.
One lucky winner will be getting $50 to Enjoy Essential
This website has the cutest quote tees for adults & the littles, & more. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Birthday to Ashley today! Good luck to y'all for the giveaway! What are y'all grateful for today?