Thursday, May 14, 2015

Broken, Flooded, and Yet Still Alive

Y'all... I'm gonna share something with you today. I had every intention of linking up with Faith for the Golden Vlog, but this week has been A WEEK for sure. And it's not even at the end of the week yet. So I'm just gonna dump some stuff on y'all, deal?

If y'all follow me on snapchat and twitter then you know I had to say good-bye to the only pair of flip flops I own.

A few people on snapchat also saw I very nearly flooded my kitchen earlier this week. Pretty sure it was Tuesday.
You see, we have a relatively old dish washer. It cannot take liquid dish detergent... even the ones made FOR the dishwashers. We ran out of the powder, and to try and save me some time from having to wash dishes by hand, I borrowed one of those pod things from a neighbor. Guess what? The dishwasher doesn't like those either. Strictly powder only.
This was in 2006 in our first apartment. clearly I cannot operate dishwashers...
There were a few other cases of "having the monday's" all week, but I've shared some of those with friends over the phone. It's not really "blog-worthy",,, plus I don't have a fun picture.

What I've gained from this week is much better than what the actual week threw at me. 

Despite being in a bit of a rut, I know my bloggy friends still care about me. I think Cassie was secretly scared that I was going away again based on her tweet yesterday. It's important to remember friends are still there and looking out for you.

My sweet boy is finishing pre-k tomorrow. When I picked him up from school yesterday his teacher had a huge folder full of artwork and projects from the year. It was so refreshing to look at what he's accomplished throughout the year. One of the things included was "this is how I write my name: Aug 2014"... at the first of the school year. It was just dots and lines. Now he can write his full name with ease. Despite a rough week, it's important to sit back and enjoy the little things.
Zander at his school playground last week. :)
I'm going to end with this... 

I shared this picture with Meagan via text yesterday. I saw it randomly on one of my facebook friend's pages. She had shared it and it jumped out at me. I needed to see this yesterday. Meagan is one of my bloggy soul mates (along with Rebecca)... and something told me she needed to see it yesterday too. So now I share it with y'all.

So friends, happy Thursday. If you're having a week like I am, stay positive. It's almost over. If you have something to look forward to, remind yourself of that. Or, like, Emily... just get outside!
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  1. Oh no, so sorry you've had a tough week! Hugs to you and I hope it all gets better!

  2. thanks for the hugs!! I'm finally starting to feel a little more normal. esp after great chats with friends and things to look forward to memorial day weekend. :) Also, I'm FINALLY getting around to blog reading now so expect llama email spam. hahaha

  3. Similar week over here. And our dishwasher has flooded for the past three weeks but I keep using it and just cleaning it up. Thinking of you and hope things look up.

  4. LOL yeah, I only just learned that if you put vinegar in the dishwasher, it'll reduce the suds and you can run it without the soap overflowing and drain the cycle. Wish I had known that earlier this week cause I used a turkey baster and cups to get the extra water out before finishing the cycle. doh. I hope your washer is OK!!

  5. I DID need to see that yesterday :) It's been a week for sure... but just keep trying to find the positives. There has to be something each day. Yesterday mine was finding chocolate in the cupboard :)

  6. Yayyy for chocolate! It's the small things that can really turn everything around!! Today has been much better. Focusing on the positives for sure. Tomorrow starts summer vacation for us soo looking forward to fun with the kids

  7. dishwashers are the worst. literally. ours runs + makes all this noise but we end up having to hand wash all the dishes anyways. but YAY for summer vacation! you're almost there!!!!!!!!!

  8. I'm so sorry you had a rough week! Dishwashers flooding is the worst, but also kind of funny once it's all over. So fluffy!

  9. How can you seriously live without flip flops?!? Haha...I'll be honest, I had a hard time reading beyond that! :) I'm sorry it's been A grateful for grace, next week you get another chance! :)

  10. I HATE DISHWASHERS. Plus I'm kind of banned from using ours because during the winter I put a big plastic utensil in the wrong spot and the dishwasher melted it to shreds. Long story short our apartment REEKED for over a week and it was the middle of winter so it was freezing but we had to have the windows open. Oops.

  11. LOL well, I have a good alternative that I shared via twitter... but it's just not the same! I miss my flip flops!! waah. And yes... next week is all new and we're out for the summer!

  12. hahaha yeah I had to laugh about it and sent a few snaps with the pictures. one friend said "so we stop and take a picture of the mess before cleaning it??" hahaha.

  13. THE WORST. half the time our bowls still need to be washed by hand too. ugh. and here I was trying to save time.

  14. OMG I mayyy have laughed waaaayy too hard reading that comment. but it also sounds exactly like something I'd do. but hey! now you're out of dishes, right?? hahaha.

  15. I'm so sorry you've had one of those weeks! Hoping things turn around - after all the weekend is coming. Hang in there.

  16. Oh friend, I am so sorry! Can I tell you though, that each of your pictures brought a bigger smile to my face?? And yay for Zander!!! Miss O is getting ready to graduate pre-k next week! I hope your weekend is a great one!! xoxo

  17. ahhhh i would have totally freaked out if i walked into our kitchen and saw that!!!! yikes. hopefully you drank a big glass of wine that night!

  18. sorry you had a bad week my friend!! We did miss your vlog at the golden vlog but I completely understand!! :) That stinks about the flip-flops...I hate when that happens

  19. Thanks so much! thank goodness for the weekend!

  20. aw, I'm glad you loved them hahaha. So far the weekend has been great.. AND I have the correct dish soap now! haha. :) I cannot believe they're graduating pre-k! CRAZY!

  21. don't worry!!! I won't quit blogging. I may take some much needed breaks. (did you see last week?) haha. I'm not going anywhere though :) I still haven't gotten new flip flops yet though! UGH!

  22. I just cannot believe it's happened to me TWICE in my life. the first time (that first picture) was in 2006 when Josh and I got our very first place EVER! haha. and yes, both times I freaked out. This time around Ainsley was actually the one to find it. it went something like, "OOOHHH NOOOOO!!! MOMMY!!!! LOOOK!" hahahaha.

  23. I'm so sorry your week was not a good one. That is terrible about your dishwasher! I hope the mess wasn't that bad and that you were able to wash those dishes with some powder. At least you know now?

  24. My best friend had her flip flop break when we were out on Friday night too. At least it was close to the end of the week! Hope you had a better weekend.

  25. I sure hope things are on the up for you, friend! Big hugs!!

  26. I like that picture. Probably should frame it and put it on the wall where I usually bang my head on a bad day... (kidding about the headbanging. But putting the pic up would still be good.) I'm sorry you had such a crappy week! I'm on my own again this week and Peanut won't sleep unless she's on me, Bug is having major mood swings and I am just. so. tired. Hang in there friend, we have to get through these patches so we can appreciate the awesome ones!! XO

  27. I think framing that sounds like a great idea. Don't worry I have head banging moments too. Sorry to hear the girls are testing you lately. Ainsley sounds like bug right now and she's recently scared of the dark for some reason. We'll make it through this together

  28. Since posting this things have looked up a bit. Thanks for the hugs though

  29. My weekend was better thank you! I was able to get new flip flops lol.

  30. I had to laugh about the dishwasher after it was cleaned up. I had to wash every single towel we own though!! Lol!! And yes... At least now I know. All is right with the dishwasher now
