Monday, June 29, 2015

Christmas in July + Meet Rebecca

Y'all, last Thursday was my half birthday. June 25. If you do the math, then you've probably figured out that we're a little less than half way to Christmas by now!
Christmas is my favorite holiday. It's also my birthday. I've always loved it. So the fact that Amanda, Faith and I have something really awesome that's CHRISTMAS related brings me pure joy!

The idea is to bring the joy of gift giving in the middle of the year. So why not have Christmas in July and celebrate spreading the love?

Here's what you need to know...
Dates to Remember:
  • Sign-Ups Start: Monday, June 29th at 6AM
  • Sign-Ups End: Wednesday, July 8th at 6AM
  • Partners assigned: Wednesday, July 11th
  • Packages Shipped: Monday, July 20th
  • Linkup Opens: Thursday, July 30th
  • Linkup Closes: Thursday, August 6th

The Rules:
|| When you are assigned your partner, get to know them, and send items in your package that fit your partner’s wants and likes.

|| All packages should cost approximately $15-$20 before shipping, so that each swap package is fairly close in pricing and no one feels cheated.

|| Please reply to emails from us about the swap in a timely manner.

|| Your packages MUST be mailed on or before July 20th.

|| We suggest you send a tracking number for your package via email to your partner when you mail it out.

|| Please post and link up to your swap reveal, which will be posted on July 30th. Everyone would like to see your goodies after all!

|| Please do not sign up for this swap if you cannot follow the rules above.

|| If anything comes up, where you can no longer participate PLEASE contact either Faith, Amanda, or myself immediately so we can work out something for your swap partner.

** Please note: Non-US-based participants can only be accepted if we have enough bloggers willing to ship internationally (not everyone can afford the higher shipping prices). Thank you for understanding, we want everyone to be able to be able to participate! **

Take a moment and fill out this form!! Don't forget to grab the button for the link up on July 30th! 
Christmas in July Blogger Swap

And now for something even more fun... 
Some of my new followers might not remember this... but maybe. Back in Aug of last year there was a bloggy soul mate pairing. It was meant as a way to connect other bloggers that were either similar in blogging styles or had something outside of blogging in common. I was paired with Meagan and Rebecca. Let me tell y'all, I'm so happy to have been paired with these two. Meagan I already knew from a few link ups, but Rebecca was new to me.

I love this gal, y'all! She has quickly turned into someone I can randomly text for encouragement. We give each other mommy advice. She's amazing. It's my pleasure to finally get to introduce her to y'all!
Describe yourself in four words.

I really love your blogging style. What made you start blogging?
My husband, daughter and I were living in London and trying to keep in touch with all of our friends and family (mine back in the US and his back in Ireland). I had a photo blog for my daughter's first year where I posted pictures of her growing and changing for everyone who was missing it in person and I started thinking about *writing* a blog too - my husband pushed me to do it! 

You're a new addition to the crayon box. Which color would you be, and why?
Some shade of purple, since that's my favorite!

What's the best advice you've ever gotten about blogging?
Network, network, network! Or more simply - make connections. Read other blogs, comment on them with thoughtfulness, build relationships. Not only will you become friends with some individuals, but you'll find many will support and encourage you, offer advice, and help you learn more than you ever would on your own! 

What's your favorite movie quote?
Ooooh tough question. Totally depends on the movie!

One of my faves though is the sarky interchange between Duncan and Hawkeye in Last of the Mohicans...Hawkeye says they're going West and Duncan questions him: "There is a war on. How is it you are headed WEST?" to which Hawkeye looks at him without expression and says "Well, we kinda face to the north and real sudden-like, turn left."

It's the kind of sarcastic crap I'd pull, ha!

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Bread. Who doesn't love bread?? 

Want more Bug & Boo?
Follow Along here:

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Friday, June 26, 2015

Things I Don't Understand

OK. So I think it's safe to say that the internet is a big place. Correct. There are things in these big interwebs that I just don't understand. Given that it's Friday, I feel the need to share with you. So, you're welcome.

|| Mermen hair trends.
Why is this even a thing? I'm a fan of expressing oneself with hair, tattoos, clothes, etc. BUT. I don't get this one. I found this while scrolling facebook the other day. Y'all. Some of these guys have matching beards. I'll let that one sink in for a minute.
Mermen Style 
|| Selfie Sticks.
Technically these are not an internet thing. I still don't get them. I mean... I do, but I don't. My biggest question. HOW do you actually TAKE the picture? I saw this meme on facebook Wednesday night. This got me asking the previous question. Now, inquiring minds want to know.

|| Hot Dog Pizzas
Y'all. This is a thing. Like, we should all know by now that I'm a huge fan of pizza. Give me all the pizza. But, y'all. Why did they have to put hot dogs on the crust? This is just a hard no. WHY is this a thing.

|| On Fleek.
This term. Why does it exist and where does it come from? According to Urban Dictionary:
"the quality of being perfect, or on point."
Why can't we just use "on point" anymore? Am I really getting to be that old, y'all? I'm not even 30 yet. Not even close. Well. Almost.

|| Drop That Kitty
This song. Y'all. I was first introduced to this at one of the many award shows that take place at the beginning of the year. I thought it was strange then, and for some stupid reason it stuck in my head. You really don't need to listen to the entire song to fully understand the stupidity of the song. But this is on youtube. With over 10 million views. Don't understand.

So what's out there that you don't understand? Anything I've left out that needs to be here immediately.
Happy Friday, Llama friends! xoxo
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Bloggers Give it 100 + Meet Kristin

Well, it's no secret around these parts that I'm taking my health (and my family's health) pretty seriously. If you are following me on snapchat, you've probably seen running and dance central videos. #SorryNotSorry... it's not going to stop anytime soon. Especially here on the blog. Leave now if you're sick of workout posts. You won't hurt my feelings. 

Recently, Lora approached Kendra and I about a fun new project. I personally love both of these ladies, so I'm always more than willing to work with them. Lora and Kendra both share a love for getting fit the healthy way. Staying active, and eating better. So it gives me so much happiness to announce our new collaboration / project / link up. More of a link up than anything else. 

If y'all are familiar with Kendra, (and if you're not... you should be) then you'll know she does a workouts with Kenji each Wednesday. This is kind of going to go hand in hand with that. Y'all! We're happy to announce Bloggers Give it 100! 

The idea came from #GiveIt100. A motivational tool to stay active for 100 days, and track your results. Most people update videos and monitor their progress. It's all up to you. 

The link up will occur every Wednesday and will serve as a check in, a motivational, a rant session if you're not doing so well. Whatever works for you. We just want to see our blogger friends to get active and stay active with us for 100 days. We're very excited about this to help keep everyone on the path of motivation and getting fit. 

So, I hope you'll join us on our journey. I hope you link up. Or at least support us on our journey. This will go live NEXT WEDNESDAY July 1. Grab a button, and use hashtag #bloggersgiveit100 on social media so we can spread the love! 
The Rambling Llama

AND NOW... for something really special. (I know, excitement overload on this Wednesday 

Y'all, I have a real treat for you today! I'm happy to introduce you to a blogger that I've become very close with over the last few weeks. She is also all about getting fit the healthy way, so this was a happy accident that our announcement came on the same day that I'm introducing Kristin

Kristin is very real, down to earth, focused on getting fit, and a lover of cats! I love our daily snapchat conversations. She's seriously an inspiration to me working out at bootcamps and in the crazy South Carolina heat! phew! Take it away, Kristin! 

Describe yourself in four words. 

I really love your blogging style. What made you start blogging?
Oh man, I've been doing the blogging thing off and on since the LiveJournal days. I've always loved writing and having a diary-of-sorts online has been a part of my life ever since I learned to type. I had a Fitness blog on tumblr years ago that I really enjoyed but eventually just got too busy to post. Back in September I decided to create this blog when I got bit by the crafting bug (hence the name My Year in the Making) and wanted to document it, but soon the crafting bug went away and I decided to start blogging about health and wellness again. 

You're a new addition to the crayon box. Which color would you be, and why?
Yellow. Because it's bright and happy. Even if it doesn't show up on white paper very well. (That's not a metaphor, it's just a fact.) 

What's the best advice you've ever gotten about blogging?
Don't force yourself to post if you don't want to. No one wants to read forced content. 

What's your favorite movie quote?
"It is better to help people than Garden Gnomes"-Amelie

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
Pizza :D Because life is not worth living without pizza.
Llama's note: TRUE STORY! I completely agree with you on this one, Kristin!! 

Want to get to know Kristin better?

Follow along!! 

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Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer Expectations vs. Reality

Y'all. We're about a month into Summer vacation, and I've learned a lot about myself and my kids. I think I had this idea in my head about what summer vacation would entail. Getting all of those pinterest crafts knocked out etc... Y'all. That's not happening. My expectations are no where near my reality of being at home with the kids during the hottest time of the year in the south.

Expectation: We'll do tons of fun crafts and be able to blog about all of my pinterest wins!
Reality: Arts & Crafts portion of the day consists of either coloring or play dough.

Y'all, the material needed FOR arts & crafts is mostly not kid friendly. Trying to make home made flubber or salt dough with the kids at the ages they are now is just not reasonable. Ainsley throws ingredients. Zander gets bored with the mixing.

Expectation: We'll be too busy playing games to watch T.V.
Reality: Nick JR stays on for the most part... all day.

The kids do have plenty of toys, and yes they keep themselves entertained. But let's be honest y'all. Being home with the same toys all day can get boring. So While I'm cleaning (daily), the kids go between playing with their toys, watching Nick JR, and cleaning their room. I do sit and play with them, and we do read. It's just not all day, and I'm not going to lie, sometimes I just don't care. At least Nick JR has shows that teaches math and stuff, right?

Expectation: We'll have lots of outside time to where the kids will get so worn out they'll sleep wonderfully!
Reality: It's Summer in GEORGIA.

What was I thinking, y'all? Summer in GA means 80-90 + degrees. YES, we do go outside. If you follow me on snapchat you've probably even seen us running in this crazy heat. However, most of this is done either early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Zander tends to whine about this, and tries to convince me to go outside at like 1:00 in the afternoon. Twice I've let him. He lasted 5 minutes both times before complaining about the heat.

That being said, I'm very happy to have this time with the kids. Because I AM able to do things with them that I otherwise would not be able to do if I was working. Like go to the library each week. (Y'all! I've been reading again! big deal alert!). At least the library has air conditioning AND kid's activities. This week we'll be going to the night time movie.

So yes, some expectations were not met, but the good outweighs the bad. I'm grateful that I'm able to teach my kids a few things. Zander is working on tieing his shoes. If he can catch on before school starts in Aug, that would be a big deal. Ainsley is learning colors and shapes. Both kids are incredibly smart, and I'm so grateful for them.

linking up with Emily
Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

If only this GA heat weren't so terrible. Maybe we'll go play in the water today!
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Household Jams + Meet Kati!

Y'all, I'm a super fun person to fold laundry with. Allow me to explain. Each laundry folding / putting away session always turns into a dance party. I cannot fold laundry without listening to music. Jams just make the dreaded task go by faster.

I don't listen to the radio though. I have several mixed CD's I go to so I don't have to listen to commercials or worry about a song coming on that I don't care for. I would call these my guilty pleasure songs, but given that I've got Kati on my sidebar I can't bring myself to say it. (Kati doesn't believe in guilty pleasures!) So here's some of my favorite jams that may or may not be current.

Hot Chelle Rae. Tonight Tonight.
The first line... "It's been a really really messed up week" accurately describes most of my weeks. The fun beat and silly lyrics make this a good one to dance to.

Weird Al. White & Nerdy.
This is just my life in the form of a song. Can't help but dance.

Kelly Clarkson. I Do Not Hook Up.
Because why not? Kelly... fun beat... I don't hook up... so yeah. Dance away!

Cascada. Evacuate the Dance Floor.
OK... confession time. This is on the first Dance Central game. So when this song comes on, I totally stop what I'm doing and break out the dance routine from the game.

Tag Team. Whoomp! (There It Is)
I'll end with this one because "Tag team back again".

Now since Kati was mentioned, I felt it was only fitting that I let y'all get to know her a little better. Kati shares my love for music. Her blog is so unique, and I love that. We all see the blogs with make up do's and don'ts, the fashion posts, the DIY's... on and on. Which I LOVE as well, I mean I do still read those. Kati on the other hand, is full of music, new artists, travel, and real life.

Describe yourself in four words.

I really love your blogging style. What made you start blogging?
When I first graduated I wanted to keep myself surrounded by music, art, entertainment, photography...the topics my blog is run by. Constantly Seeking Wonder became that outlet. 

You're a new addition to the crayon box. Which color would you be, and why?
Tyrian Purple. It's the color my blog theme is based around. It has a rich history that I find fascinating. How the color was originally made it didn't fade easily, but instead grew brighter and stronger through wear. I like to see the parallels to myself and my life. Plus it was always a color associated with royalty which is just fun because who doesn't want to pretend they're a queen? 

What's the best advice you've ever gotten about blogging?
Be yourself. For a long time I worried nobody would want to read about the things I was passionate about because they weren't the normal blog topics. People don't want to read you pretending to be someone else just to "fit in". Your love of what you're doing and talking about is what will drive people to read your blog. 

What's your favorite movie quote?
This specific quote is on my blog business card and from my all time favorite movie.

William Miller: What do you love about music?
Russell Hammond: To begin with, everything.
-Almost Famous

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I'm a carboholic. I have a problem. This is my go-to comfort food. There's so many ways to eat it too. I would never get bored. Now I want pasta...

How great is she, y'all? I also want pasta now! LOL.
So what's your favorite household chore jam? This was a giant excuse for me to share some of my favorite songs. LOL

Want to follow Kati... simple!!
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Monday, June 15, 2015

I Am NOT a Fashion Blogger || Guest Post

Y'all! You're in for a treat today! My last Daddy Llama In post sponsor, Kendra from Kenji is here is taking over the Llama for today! If you don't know Kendra, then you're really missing out! So without further adue... take it away, Kenji! 
One day as I was trying to take new profile pictures I decided I would look on Pinterest on how to pose like a fashion blogger. I thought I was so slick and so good at this, I mean how hard could it be right? WRONG. I came to terms that day that I will never and I mean NEVER be a fashion blogger. My name is Kenji from Kenji is Here and I've narrowed it down to the top 5 reasons I am not a fashion blogger; but honestly there are so many more.

ONE// Let's just get the blatantly obvious one out of the way... I have no style. I like to wear yoga pants and t-shirts and sometimes tank tops. I think two different patterns belong together sometimes and I think odd colors can match. Basically, when all else fails I stick with black pants and a shirt because everything, but brown, matches black. Once in awhile, after some suggestions from Pinterest, I can pull together a good outfit but besides that...don't come to me for fashion advice.
TWO// I can't take pictures for nothing! I'm awful in front of a camera. I have to take 12 pictures before I'm evenly moderately okay with one picture. I look at fashion bloggers and think, oh sure I could do that, then I try, and then I fail...miserably. I don't get how to pose and with all the Pinterest tutorials I still can't figure it out.
THREE// Let's be real here, I am not a size 2,4,6,8 or anything close to that. I am not blind and I do know plus size models are out there but I also know that there are not many. It's not easy being super stylish as a plus size person; less clothes options and the clothes always look different on a plus size woman. I don't have the time or motivation to try that hard to be fashionable..just being honest. 

FOUR// I don't have a wardrobe worth talking about. My wardrobe consists of way too many yoga pants (Which isn't really a thing) t-shirts, tank tops, and a few dresses to wear to work. I don't have fun things to mix and wear different times of days. I don't have crave worthy pants and I own about 2 purses. Is it just me or do fashion bloggers own 30249 purses and clothes for every outfit!? I hate changing from one purse to another. Oh the struggle is real
FIVE// I have not ONE beauty or fashion secret. NOT ONE. I know nothing about fashion, my friends. I always go to fashion bloggers for tips on how to dress better and easy ways to make simple things fashionable and I just don't know how. I only slightly know how because of blogs I've read. What I know is not authentic, it is because I learned it from a fashion blogger. I would have no material.

Basically what I am saying is, be happy I don't blog about fashion because it'd be scary I tell you. It would be a boring blog with no traffic but quite funny pictures. I hope you are all glad I'm a lifestyle blogger and never venture into fashion blogging. Not saying anything is wrong with it just not for me. 
How awesome is she, y'all? Seriously. And I'm NOT a fashion blogger either, so I feel like I'm in great company. 

Want more Kenji? 
Follow along! 

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Friday, June 12, 2015

Happy Birthday, The Rambling Llama!

A year ago today, I hit that scary little orange publish button.
To be fair, I did have a previous blog but thanks to Google completely deleting it, there is no record of it ever existing. So even though TECHNICALLY I started blogging in April (?) It's The Rambling Llama's birthday!!! My first post is here. When Amanda and I tried to have a #TBT link up. Sheesh... that was rough. No one ever wanted to come play with us on Thursdays. She was Peaches in Missouri at that point. Wow. So much has changed.
Well... maybe not THAT much... because this is still true:

I'm not really sure if I knew I'd be where I am now when I started blogging. I started because Amanda said "hey your funny kid stories would make a great blog". She pushed me a lot to start one. She finally had to help me. You have her to thank for me being here now. I'm really not sure where I'll be this time next year. Hopefully with more followers, if not... oh well...

What I do know is this: 

|| I really enjoy blogging. I've found this to be a really enjoyable hobby. I can get random thoughts out. Share things I never dreamed of sharing with the world. The possibilities are endless.

|| I didn't plan on having my amazing tribe. These ladies are seriously the best. Our bloggy pow wows are something I look forward to each month.

|| It's OKAY to break the "blogging rules". Don't do this for the rules. Do this because it's something you enjoy.

|| I'm not a fashion blogger. I cannot throw together cute outfits, photograph them, and display them for the world to see. As much as I love cute clothes, I can't pull this off. Except for when I'm given free clothes and forced to take pictures. And that's ok.

|| Meeting strangers you've met online in person at blogger functions is a lot less scary after you've talked to them for over a year.

|| Those "strangers" you've grown close to will ensure that no matter where you go in the world, you will almost always have someone to meetup with, talk "shop" and have fun.

|| Gifs can make or break your post. Sure, they're fun and entertaining, but choose your gifs wisely, friends. Kasey does this wonderfully!

|| Oversharing excites people. When I feel like I hit publish on something that is really hard for me to share, y'all EAT THAT STUFF UP! lol!!
I'm not typical
|| Blogging is a perfectly acceptable way to list random things out. Who doesn't love a great list?

|| If you disappear for an entire month without any notice, people you've never met in real life will worry about you.

I've learned a lot from blogging. I've learned a lot about community, empowering other people, and what real friendship and real prayer is all about. I've also learned a lot about myself. I almost feel like finding this hobby has made me a better person.

It's also totally OK to go through old blog posts and use pictures that some new readers may not have ever seen. Like I've done today. So there's that.

Happy Friday, y'all! Thanks for sticking around for a whole year. Here's to many MANY more! Don't worry, Cassie, I won't quit on you, yet. ;)

FINALLY!! Don't forget! To celebrate, This week Emelia, Kerri, and I have teamed up with some amazing ladies to give YOU a gift for our blogiversaries! We're giving away $240 CASH! Time's running out to enter! You don't want to miss out on this. I'm super thrilled that I have these ladies in my life!
Your June Blogiversary Host Ladies: Emelia, Kerri & Melissa

The Party People & Awesome Co-Hosts: 

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